Humanitarian aid by the Republic of Korea to migrant population in Serbia in 2017: reaffirmation of friendly relations between the two countries
The value of the Project is EUR 500.000, and the implementation is foreseen for the period between 27 January and 30 June 2018.
The Project objective is to address the most urgent needs of the part of the migrant population on the migration route Presevo-Pirot-Dimitrovgrad-Bosilegrad-Sid. Activities covered by the project include medical screening and providing the basic health care services, securing sanitary-hygienic conditions in the reception centres, providing food, disseminating the information and legal counselling.
Humanitarian aid by the Republic of Korea to migrant population in Serbia in 2016: reaffirmation of friendly relations between the two countries
The value of the project is EUR 500.000 and it was implemented in the period between 24 February 2017 and 31 March 2018
The Project objective was to address the most urgent needs of the part of the migrant population accommodated in the reception centres (Presevo/Sid/Subotica and Belgrade). The activities undertaken covered: medical screening and providing the basic health care services, securing sanitary-hygienic conditions in the reception centres, providing food and providing logistical services to migrants.